A childhood that involves climbing trees, rolling down hills, playing with sticks, splashing in puddles, forming friendships, running and feeling the elements.
Education for a healthy mind, body and spirit
Our curriculum is unique to Aotearoa New Zealand. It is designed to provide the very best early learning experiences for children, to become active, resilient and connected to themselves, others and the environment.
Learning at Play and Learn Nature Kindergarten
Play is more than mere indulgence; it is essential to children’s health and well-being.”
Lester and Russell (2010)
Social Competences
Children develop strong friendships and social skills in a mixed age group. They have role models and are role models.
Children learn to negotiate, discuss and express opinions, support and respect each other.
Emotional Intelligence
Children are motivated as they learn leadership, empathy, self- awareness and self-regulation through play.
These are important skills which be applied in all areas of life and prepare children for living in the 21st century.
Creativity​ & Curiosity
Children actively seek solutions, investigate and explore options and they implement ideas.
They create with a vast variety of materials. Creativity evolves where play is not pre-defined.
Literacy & Numeracy
Children encounter maps, pictograms, signs, letters and numbers every day.
They have access to paper, paint, crayons and writing materials. We read books daily and facilitate writing when children show interest.
Belonging & Confidence
Children are a valuable part of their community. They develop a sense of self which is crucial in the early years and important for life.
They take responsibility for "their" place and the environment which enables children to become confident learners.
Challenge & Risk
Appropriate risk in the outdoors can minimise accidents. Children learn to look after themselves and set their own limits.
They find strategies to keep themselves safe, to manage risk and to use their initiative to solve problems.